Thursday, November 18, 2010


How to Play Chess. Recently addicted to play chess vienka again, although actually can not play chess: D actually how does how to play chess? I think bener bener must first understand and recognize the characters of his first chess well? : D
Yesterday in the invite to play chess via ym same Some one cheek flushed but how can one not want to say yes aq klo mang can not play chess, uh actually he wanted taught how to play chess (cool cool: D).
The First Well in ajarin are familiar with each character chess itself: D like a pawn, castle, horse, ministers, queens, and kings
After a bit of understanding and recognizing each character chess, I have to memorize the rules of chess chess is running: D I'll not forget catet in blog aja ah: D
pawn: may move two steps (only fit the first time), followed by one step forward, if there are opponents on the left-or right-pawn may eat, but see the conditions first, whether the harm to our fort.
fort: fort only to walk straight ahead, or laterally, he can not move oblique.
Horse: Horses can only move like the letter "L", and can step over his own pawn stronghold.
Minister: Minister can only move sideways or oblique 45 degrees.
Queen: Free to move anywhere.
King: Only able to move one step only. can to the left, up, down, right, oblique can all.
Hehe so much for dah first before ... still confused too ya rada play chess: D for one do not be bored yah Some vienka taught to play chess grin

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